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There are two ingredients that seem to pair perfectly with strawberries: chocolate and rhubarb. Chocolate and strawberries go hand in hand whether you are dipping a whole strawberry in dark, milk or white chocolate or you are making a banana split with fresh strawberries and chocolate syrup.
Earthtimes.orgBrussels calls on EU states to hurry up with CO2 goalsEUobserver.com, Belgium - 4 hours agoBut at this rate progress is not nearly sufficient to meet the goals set by the Kyoto Protocol or the bloc itself, which in January agreed to cut CO2 .EU Greenhouse Gas Emissions Fell in 2005 Houston ChronicleGreenhouse economic effect Russia-InfoCenterEmissions fell slightly in the EU during '05 International Herald Tribuneall 10 news articles
Airbus wants to cut CO2 emissions by halfExpatica France, France - 7 hours agoPARIS, June 14, 2007 (AFP) - European aircraft manufacturer Airbus is committed to reducing carbon dioxide emissions from its planes by half between now and .
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